Gearcity recondition branch
Gearcity recondition branch


This report shows you how many customers can buy your vehicle and then breaks down how we calculate your vehicle sales in the selected city. We cover one of the most important reports in the game, the Wealth Demographics and Buyer Rating Table report.


In this tutorial, we show you how to open a detailed report about any publicly traded company in the game. And you have to click on a line graph button in the UI to access them. Most of these reports require player input, such as selecting a city or a vehicle. This GearCity tutorial video shows you how to access dynamically generated reports. This video is a brief rundown of the dedicated charts in the Reports System. This tutorial covers the reports in the reports system that contains miscellaneous data information about your company and the game world. There are a few reports in the report system which have to do with company image and skill ratings. This tutorial is an overview of the expense reports in Operations Menu. This tutorial mostly focuses on reports found in the Revenues Menu. We'll go through reports that contain revenue information about your company.

gearcity recondition branch

This tutorial covers these reports, where to find them, and what makes them different. Several reports in the game show your sales and production based on different criteria. This tutorial breaks down each item in the Monthly Sales report and shows you a couple of features of the vehicle sales table. This tutorial video for GearCity explains how you should handle the replacement of components and vehicle designs. This tutorial shows you how and why to use the vehicle trim system. This tutorial points out the flaws of over-designing and under-designing vehicles and why you should avoid doing either. It also gives you real-world recommendations of vehicles to base your designs on. This tutorial gives you general tips and thoughts on designing vehicles between 19. This tutorial shows you tips and tricks with the Advanced Designer system, which can help improve your designs. It also gives you tips on how to use these variables and warns about the dangers of a demand death spiral. This tutorial video for GearCity explains the Material Costs, Manufacturing Costs, and Total Unit Costs found in the Branch Distribution window. It also shows examples inside of the game to maximize your profits based on supply and demand.

gearcity recondition branch

This tutorial covers the basic economic concept of supply and demand. It covers the main gameplay loop of designing a car, selling the car, setting production, adjusting production after a turn, and building new factories, branches, and designs. This video continues off after the Main Tutorial, and it gives tips on what to do next after the main tutorial.


  • How the Game Selects Contract and License Winners.
  • GearCity Video Tutorials Prefer streaming? Try the Youtube Page.

    Gearcity recondition branch